Eye exams

Who should get a comprehensive eye exam?

Everyone should have an eye exam yearly, even if they don't wear glasses or contacts.
​Monitoring your ocular health is important to make sure your vision is as clear as it can be, and to screen for many ocular conditions like Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Cataracts, and more. Detecting conditions early can help make sure you have access to treatment and management options.

Many systemic conditions can also cause changes to your eyes and vision, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol. In fact, ocular signs can be the first indication of many systemic health conditions.

​​​​​​​What happens in an eye exam?

First, your lifestyle, and family and personal medical and ocular history are recorded. Any complaints about your eyes or vision are discussed.

We do additional testing with Optomap, a detailed retinal scan performed without dilation that helps your eye doctor evaluate your retinas for early signs of conditions such as those discussed above. Learn more about Optos' backstory here.

We then check your eye pressure, a test that helps screen for glaucoma. Then, we perform an auto-refraction, which provides an estimate of your prescription, and provides additional information about the shape of the front of your eye.

The doctor then evaluates your vision with an eye chart, and assesses your eye movements, pupillary function, and peripheral vision.

Your spectacle prescription is then fine-tuned during a refraction to determine the amount of nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism that you may have.
Your doctor may also evaluate contact lenses at this time to ensure the fit, vision, and comfort are optimal. For more information on contact lenses, click here.

The health of your eyes is then evaluated, including the front surface, lids and lashes, and internal structures like the retina and crystalline lens. The Optomap retinal scan can help your doctor assess your ocular health without dilation, but dilation drops may be necessary to assess the internal structures as well, especially if you have a history of diabetes or have certain symptoms like flashes or floaters.

At the end of your exam, glasses and/or contacts may be prescribed, and any necessary additional testing and treatments are discussed.

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